Potty Train Adult Dog
Mature dog requires just as much work from you and your family as puppy does. It’s wrong to assume that simply because a dog is fully grown and could have experienced potty training in one household, he will automatically adapt his new environment as well.
The dog needs to make many changes to his new surroundings and isn’t aware that you don’t permit urinating on the floor, especially because his previous owner didn’t seem to worry or care.
Do not assume that simply because he is an adult dog, he will automatically “know” what to do. Teach him the routine of your home’s pet potty schedule gradually, starting with him as though he were a puppy to Potty Train Adult Dog

Most likely, you should start with crate training or confinement to a bathroom. Next, decide when potty breaks will occur. Adult dogs are quite particular about choosing an outside toilet that is not near where they play, just as they prefer not to use the restroom close to where they eat or sleep.
When walking, assist him in finding that spot in your yard or outside, and take him back there for further potty breaks. To understand your dog’s waste habits, you must observe the potty breaks over a period of many weeks.
Additionally, you must schedule your morning and nightly feedings. It can take some getting used to because his life schedule may not have been as structured as yours. Contrary to popular belief, an old dog may learn new tricks. It is the consistency of the owner, not the dog’s age, that makes a difference.
Your training attempts may take longer if your dog came from an abusive environment, even one that was only filled with yelling and smacking with paper for any mishaps. You must first gain the dog’s trust and recognize that he requires some time to adjust to his new surroundings to be able to Potty Train Adult Dog
Accidents will happen, so be ready to clean them up and continue. Never presume that Potty Train Adult Dog will be any simpler than training a puppy. The adjustment problems for both dogs would be the same. In order to reinforce the responses you want repeated, training must be done consistently and with love.
An older male dog may have developed the habit of marking his territory with urine. Male dogs engage in this activity out of instinct, thus you cannot break him of it without also breaking his spirit or having him altered.
- Leave your dog home alone without worrying.
- Let your dog roam freely throughout your home.
- Actually have your dog protect you at night, instead of being locked in a room.
- Stop wasting your time and money cleaning up after your dog.
- Have a fully housebroken dog